yes lah. april's fool.yet a special one.and a long one at that.
-.- i practically slept at 6.30am today. then woke up at 10am, to go some unknown place to pray for my dad's 'passed away' sister. from what i heard though, she was a very kind person. though i didnt have the luck to meet and know her. i was 3 months old when she passed away from leukemia, she didnt seem to wince one bit though. even though the chemicals and medication was coursing through her veins everyday, that was what my mum said. alot of people loved her, holding her deep into their hearts. for she was kind, understanding, and never complaining. my parents told me that on the day of her funeral, the people who were paying respects, could occupy 3 SBS double deck buses. -.-' i swear.
so the previous day, i went IMM. to get some stuff. to do some things. =.= *looks at bwenda*
oh yea, -.- i met this particularly funny staff in popular. she kept looking at me with those kinda, 'eh, you nerd boy. come here.' eyes. i dno wtf i did to her lah, -.- either my specs look too damn funny, because she was giggling the whole way when i was paying for the items. *note: i took the friggin trouble to go to toilet after that to check for any funny details on my face*
so yea, i went home. spent 6 hours,30 minutes to prepare for the day ahead. omg lah, i actually went to CCK with her. T.T and she had the cheek to send me a sms saying 'eh dongdong, i cannot make it today.' -.- though i knew it was april's fool, i was only waiting for her to let herself out. WAHAHAHA XD and it worked.
it went like this.
bwenda: 'WTF dongdong! my parents want me to help out till six plus leh.'
dongdong: *thinks, im not born yesterday.* 'just meet me aft that loh. try to make it before six yes?'
bwenda: 'Zzz they say cannot leh. Today a lot of people. How?'
dongdong: *thinks again, ur stall never has more than 3 customers everytime i see it -.- why start now* 'nvm loh, u can meet me another day. i dont mind one.'
bwenda: 'fug you lah, april's fool.'
dongdong gains VICTORY!
so yea, went and ended praying at 1.30pm.
i swear, i was sweating like a dog. -.- its like those kinda 'sweat-like-there-is-no-tomorrow' sweat. i always have these kinda funny things happening when i neglect my sleep time. dont ask me why. -.- so basically, i ran home. bathed and set off again. to jec meeting bwenda ng.
the surprise in mind, throbs in my heart.
the excitement it gives, makes me dance in joy.
the happiness inside, knows no bounds.
we arrived in cck, at arnd. 2.50pm.
bwenda says: 'eh dongdong, lets eat long john silver. but where is it?'
dongdong *looks at the big big poster infront of us. LJS #B1-04, then looks at bwenda again*
bwenda says: 'huh? where?'
dongdong *looks at the poster again.*
bwenda says: 'OOOOOH!'
dongdong face = (/-.-)/ i give up on this girl.
then, we strolled around Lot One. apparently, i am afraid bwenda would get into any type of trouble like soon. we all know why lah *looks bwenda up and down*.
then we saw her this friend. he seemed macho to me. somehow, maybe cause of his blonde hair.
yet bwenda stunned me with the comment: 'he talks niang.'
the end of the impression on that guy. down the drain. totally. swear.
she said though -.- im damn guai lan today. i dno why either. just hyper lah. forgive me.
then, we walked around. amazed by how she likes 'cute small things'. -.- anything small is cute. to her i think. LOL. then you're gonna love my nephew lah.
and so, we headed for harborfront. at around. 5pm we arrived. see i remember!
we slacked around at starbucks. (note: bwenda had no idea, there was a starbucks in harborfront shopping centre.) AMAZING RIGHT!? she claims she knows harborfront well. and she led me directly to the cruise area. -.- where we're supposed to be at the cable car section.
bwenda says: 'eh just folo me lah idiot. i know this place well.'
dongdong says: 'okie!' *trusts her totally*(note: im nervous as its my first time.)
bwenda says: 'THERE!' *points at the cruise, tour and meet, departure station.*
dongdong approaches the dude at the counter.
dude says: 'eh, turn left there, harbourfront tower 2.'
then as we head out into the open area for harbourfront tower 2.
there was this bunch of bangalas. yes lah bwenda ur wish came true. HAHAHAHA.
they were all staring, if not curious, it'd be lustful at bwenda. o0o0o0o0o!
*boards the cable car at harborfront tower 2*
*ends up at The Jewel Box.*
dongdong says: 'so cool lah, we're finally here.'
*suddenly, love songs start playing in the background*
bwenda bursts out laughing without warning.
dongdong: *flinches his eyebrows* 'wtf is wrong with you?'
bwenda says: 'HAHAHA UR FACE! THEN THE SONG!' *points at me*
-.- tat was what happened. for a brief moment. i was like. -----____-----
we arrived too early however, thus we decided to slack looking at the scenery.
after 10 minutes.
dongdong says: 'eh lets go to the toilet and go for the dinner.'
bwenda says: 'okie.'
dongdong asks: 'dont you wanna pee? later dinner cannot pee woh.'
bwenda says with much much much determination: 'nope i'll be fine.'
and thus, on the sky dinner!

The 'fake candle' which bwenda stupidly thought it was.
THE MAIN COURSE! in the middle of this. she had to pee -.- orbi yes?
the very CRUMBLE apple.
the gift.for one. i really had a happy evening.
i would cover that distance, little by little.
and open that new chapter to your life.
Ever so slowly, more so lightly.
You would have never known I have slipped in.