Sunday, May 10, 2009

the beautifully imperfect her.

met up with weilin and joe at first.
then spent the day at coffee bean.
not bad. actually. even though we've been doing nothing.
but i feel slightly more alive again.
perhaps i just wasnt looking hard enough.
because somehow. i feel like the old me again.
had fun teasing weilin.
dinner at swensen's.
my treat. (includes joe, i dno why.) HAHAHA j/k
-.- yes i know i've owned u for half a year already weilin.
debt cleared.
sigh. a pity i do not have a camera phone.
finally caught wolverine. like finally.
with joe. and amelia.
tomorrow is mother's day.
speaking of which. amelia's turning into a mother.
-.- scary. in a way.
how others change so fast.
lunch tomorrow with my family.
though my dad wouldnt be free.
im bringing joe!
well. sort of like.
i treat him as part of my family too.
because he is.
thats what i think.
besides. it'd be good if he could treat my mum like his.
i was there when his mother passed away.
well. i sort of saw the process. more like.
i think.
nah it wont be weird dude.
just come along.
i dno why. but i feel better.
maybe its due to the jog early in the morning.
-.-' yes people. i know u're feeling surprised.
me too.
suddenly. i feel like doing alot of things.
should i get a driving license? =/
like maybe schedule the lessons on saturdays.
then i'm gonna go on a holiday. like real soon.
most probably just gonna grab a random someone.
-.-' brother? cmi. mother. maybe. lover. definitely. joe? only if he has the money.
anyhow. tomorrow's gonna be meaningful day.
note: if it all goes well. and joe can wake up.
btw. i'm getting a jab tomorrow.
-.-' a vaccination of some sort.
no. not for rabies. im not contracted.
no. not for AIDS either. theres no cure to that.
but yea. for STDs. -.-'
my mother said: just incase.
$200 for a jab. wtf.
needles. im so excited.
its the 10th. i wish u would be here.
at least. with my family tomorrow.
u were beautifully imperfect.
funny. because it is all the small things that i remember.
every little detail.
how u used to whine when i rouse u from sleep.
how u'd smile when i appear outside your house.
how i'd try doing small little things just to cheer u up.
then time stops.
and now i cant fall asleep.