to start things off.
this is our sentosa trip.
and as the picture above.
andy says: kids. please do not try this at home.

first up. a sexual fantasy.
yes boys. i know what u're thinking.

next up. u need to have a horny brother like me.
ps. she was wearing shorts under.
just in case. i get killed by some water dragon. =/


first, u swing and count to 3.
(note: u need some strength for this one)
ps. take note of the yellow girl watching for fun.

and. *pu tong*

watch lah watch somemore.
chapter one. the struggle.

and she gets overpowered.

yes i know boys.
-.- stop looking at the red colour butt.

hup. 1. 2. 3.

amanda says: weee~

yes. -.- im playing psp.
and yes. i know i look retarded.

not really. if u compare me with these two.

confucius says: like daughter like dad.

that was a sheepish look btw.

yes. psp again.

kexin says: oooh!?

its a blessing to know this girl sometimes.
(note: sometimes.)

camwhoring women.

my mistake. woman.
the one on the left is an unidentified creature.

andy says: when u emo, u draw circles.
andy says: but for dark skin coloured people, they draw huge circles.

im not so sure about emo people my age playing rubic cube though.

HAHAHAHA. sexy sial.

the camwhoring woman.
no boys. stop looking at the u know where.

calvin! yes. the side of his hair happened when he was asleep.
*brandishes my sissors*

somehow. im addicted to psp. =/

that girl happily sleeping.

i think calvin's face cramped or something.

it was a nice picture.
until i stepped in.

patrick says: oooh?

i just do not know how to smile. when im beside her. -.-

i found this pretty.

joe thinks he can watch us toss girls in all day.
dream on. =D

the super duper struggle.

if im not wrong. he kicked andy in the crotch.

i know. he was feigning death.
he thought it worked on humans too.

patrick says: lets bua his ass in the water for abit.

patrick says: amanda! lets go for a lomantic stroll.
*carries her*

patrick says: u wish.
note: andy was running away from me.

this is how a normal human being would look like.
after they're cheated and tossed into the sea.

the cool dude.

the beautiful sky.

and then she spoils everything.

that alot fuggin better.

im so sorry.
the rest of the bikini photos are for my private collection only.

the 'tortoise' thingy castley thingy.
i dunno whats this.
it started with a moat.
then there should be a castle.
weilin says: lets make tortoise!
*silence from the crowd*

frankly. we only needed one.
ive no idea why they brought two.

the scenery lah KC. the scenery.
we're trying to take the scenery.

to pack the day up.
u get a kiss from the both of us.

TADA! the group.
i dont think 'the more the merrier' works here.
its all about the right company. (:

the lub birds.

define 'lan jiao bin'.
ace lost.

and he tries even harder.
incase someone tried to challenge him.

truth or dare!(basically, we do not play truth).

michele says: NOOOO. dont take me!
michele says: im a friggin celebrity for god's sake!
michele says: what if NASA caught me here with u guys!?
michele continues complaining: MY FOUNDATION LAH MY FOUNDATION!

it started off with the group looking like this.

yes boys. she is the same girl in the red hat.
beware. while santa is delivering u your present.
she might sneak in for alittle fondle.


amanda says: aiya shit lah. who do i get to touch next?

yes. the photo that can be sold for millions.
michele is seen in singapore's vivocity!
pouting btw. 100 thousand added.

with the twisted orgasm face.

the two emo boys.
fuggin the pillar.

yes. they're supposed to sing.
with zao xia voice.

i noticed joe likes to smell his hand.
perhaps because he went to the toilet.

eh leonardo dicarpio. step aside please.
chapter one. approaching rose with ur index fingers.

chapter two. laugh and walk off while she dazes there.

chapter three. the hug.
i swear. i was blushing.
-.- and yes. she was smiling.

the indian rain dance.
no lah. though.
yea both of them are dark skinned.
but i swear. andy's really moving it.

weilin emo suck thumb grab hair.
while andy continues to rock the dance floor.
patrick says: did i just feel some raindrops?

the red hat elf strikes again.

michele ur so friggin cute here can.

though i said u are cute.
u do not have to force urself on me.
-the end-
ps: life's great with u fellas around.