yes. lets start the post with a sian-diao face.
tmd. alwyn and andy. both of u promised me dota once u get home.
i'm seeing the largest aeroplane now.
and screw halobar. im not going there anymore.

well. the company for the night.
frankly. they do look cute.

yes. and more.
tell me whats the difference between taking pictures.
using a phone and a camera.
u already have a friggin camera.

amanda yeo's handiwork.

yeap. thats her tweet writing too.

forgive me when i say im just smiling and dazing into the distance.

yes. i think kexin edited the photos.
theres a friggin ring on my middle finger.
and up my nose.

i dunno how we got this shot.
but yea. here it is.

so shuai lah.

'no longer shuai.'
kexin. whats with that arm.

yay. and its a smile.

and more. (:

she really is a camwhore.
thanks to her.
there are alot of photos on my blog now.

my sister. and the missy yeo.

alwynnnn~ yoooo hooooo~

im surprised andy could be captured in the photo.
=/ i always thought darkness absorbs light.

him being cute.

him being ignorant.

and him being stunned.

andy says: oh yea. wait one last pose.

it is funny enough to see an dark skinned fella singing chinese songs.

but he had to overdo it with an orgasm face.

yes. im looking at the photo above.
and wondering if i should pasiao on his face.

brother&sister says: ohhhhh?

yes. amanda's work of art.
i think.

she kept telling me.
amanda says: just look up!
amanda says: dont look at the camera!
amanda says: ur friggin front view is fugly!

signing off. (: