HAHAHA. THAT IS OUR PANDA. YES LAH. cute right~ i wanted to add a penis. they dun let me. oh ya. the kiu kiu hair on the head i draw one.
btw the idiot holding it is weilin. a.k.a study/cry/vomit girl. weilin i know u're reading this.
please dont kill me T.T. HAHAHAHA. more videos and pictures coming right up.
i had fun. really. had fun.
guys keep viewing http://npinline.6.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?p=506#506
there might be new pictures.
it was taken from HAKA cheer btw. i edited it only -.-'
the dude in black is me on the left. btw.
and. infront of me was sitting a girl.
incase u guys are wondering. the handsigns are all middle finger.
at the start of the video. please note i was looking to my left.
incase -.-' magnum force appears.