some jokes. girls please dont slap me. -.-' from anonymous.
By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher.
Women inspires us to great things, and prevents us from achieving them.
I've had bad luck with both my wives. The first one left me, and the second didnt.
Two secrets to keep your relationship brimming.
1. Whenever you're wrong, admit it.
2. Whenever you're right, admit you're wrong.
The most effective way to remember her birthday, is to forget it once.
My wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met.
A man inserted an 'ad' in the classifieds: 'Wife wanted'. Next day he received a hundred letters. They all say the same thing: 'You can have mine.'
First guy says proudly: 'My wife's an angel!'
Second guy says: 'You're lucky, mine's still alive.'