i just came home. phew.
and im tired. -.-'
went urban yesterday.
was lateeee. i think.
supposed to meet at 2pm.
but i was still at clementi. at 1.54pm.
fugging hell. and i slept off the wrong side of bed.
i swear. i cant turn my neck to the right.
to the left can lah. but must slow slow.
i had a feeling it'd break anytime.
and whenever i talk, it'll cramp or smth.
im wondering if its something to do with the med -.-'
or just purely that im sleeping off the wrong side of bed.
*arrives at City Hall*
i was going up the raffles link escalator. when suddenly.
sookyi yells: PATRICK!
dongdong suddenly turns to the right.
that earned me shuangness for the next 5 minutes.
slacked for abit at starbucks. while waiting for the rest to arrive.
zzzzz. and i thought i was late. shuwen even more zai.
then the urban began approximately 2.40pm.
i was practically laughing lah. wtf.
the group consisted more than 30 people i think.
imagine. 30 people on skates. at city hall.
worse of all. some of them dont know how to skate.
i stayed with the back of the group. incase someone fell behind.
and then. we skated to one place to take picture.
a statue of the 'Glorious Dead'
i went like. wtf? we're taking a picture with a monument?
of the DEAD somemore.

there it is. the photo with the Glorious Dead.
-.-' unbelievable yes? Joe picks that spot to take a picture.
btw. the picture's courtesy from Alexis.
yay~ check out my retarded face.
and. fuck i should have wore a singlet.
it was so fucking hot, i was spraying sweat.
as was the rest of the crew.
wenli however, looked like she just bathed.
then it was to Macdonald's~(i've not ate)
so we headed off to Marina Square.
HAHAHAHA. damn funny swear.
they called it the stairway to heaven.

LOL yes? if that really was the stairways to heaven. Amen.
i'd fucking willingly climb it lah. just grant me that one wish.
some of them are having problems. check it out.
the 3 people hand in hand are. ulfred, weilin, yi zhen.
ulfred happy right~ HAHAHAHA.
though i promised weilin to look after her backside.
but ulfred's doing a fine job in my stead.
weilin~ be my sista lah. i'll treat u good good.
alot of scandals going on in the skate group sia.
from what i heard. LOL.
it all started after the skate camp. unbelievable. -.-'
then while eating at Macdonald's.
i had a double cheeseburger. not meal~.
wasnt feeling REALLY that hungry.
so after finished my meal.
*looks at weilin, ulfred and yi zhen*
dongdong says: eh u 3 not hungry ah?
ulfred, yi zhen *shakes head*
dongdong says: -.- weilin leh?
weilin says: i hungry. but i feel damn stress u people watch me eat.
...... -.- wtf right?
dongdong says: what u wanna eat, i go buy for u ba. if not u'll waste food anyway.
-.- buy and fall down drop tray. HAHAHAHA.
*takes the money from weilin*
*looks at ulfred*
dongdong says: ulfred, do u love me and weilin?
weilin suddenly yells: he only love me 0.01% lah.
dongdong says: nvm, u love weilin can alr.
*passes ulfred the money*
HAHAHAHA. yesh lah. so ulfred loves me oso.
when the food arrives.
*opens my eyes and nosrils to stare at weilin eat*
HAHAHA STRESS RIGHT? stupid girl =.=.
then i started having a food war with the people next table.
*grabs weilin's fries and tosses at raymond*
xiaoyi yells: eh PATRICK, people in africa nothing to eat! u throw food!
*grabs fries and tosses at xiaoyi while he yells*
that shut him up. and caused the rest to laugh. HAHAHA.
she couldnt finish them anyway. -.- so its not really wasting.
they're just being put to good use before they enter the trash.
*takes a snipe shot at rudy*
that bugger was looking around for 2 minutes before realizing it was me.
swear. HAHAHAHA. then he went to grab the window cleaner's spray.
-.- and threaten me.
then i started putting fries on my lips and forced other guys to eat.
HAHAHAHA. was chasing ben around. -.- bugger. just come kiss me lah.
then went down the long slope at marina. to get off.
-.- was supporting weilin. then i fell myself. AT THE END OF THE SLOPE.
good game lah. then i sprained my neck even more.
while i talked i was moaning i swear.
dongdong speaks halfway.
dongdong whines.
dongdong winces in pain.
dongdong moans in pain.
dongdong yells in pain.
that was the continuous cycle for the rest of the day.
then my nose bled again. -.-'
think cause of the lj sun. too heaty alr.
it was fine though, after we went into the underground path.
then the dudes started doing funny things.

tada! the fellas were spreading their legs wide open in the middle of the place.
embarrassing lah swear. HAHAHA.
but they were actually learning windmill.
a breakdance move. damn cool i swear.
but when shown in slow motion. is very suggestive. LOL.
we were all laughing our asses off. which again.
triggered a pain in the neck. lj lah lj.
then after that was skatepark.
somerset~ tada!
the pandas went off for a movie at cineleisure.
while we were taking off our skates at long john silver.
we were approached by 2 buggers.
bugger says: hi, we're from an charity organisation for the recently earthquake country.
note: they were smoking before they approached us.
and they both looked no where near the word charitable to me.
bugger says: just $2 for a pen, and the money will go to the victims.
note: he was holding a clipboard. with only 1 piece of paper.
they were both not wearing any lan yards.
nor proof that they are from an organisation.
i declined the offer. -.- weilin u stupid girl.
she nearly took out the money to pay for it.
then the two buggers came back again.
bugger says: hey, were u taking a picture of us?
cause ulfred was on the phone with his dad previously.
sigh. i swear. fuggers around everywhere.
so basically i just took ulfred's phone.
dongdong says: eh dude, come here. i show u something.
1st bugger says: nah nvm its ok alr.
2nd bugger says: nvm i come.
really is nothing better to do. i swear.
if they really had wanted trouble -.-'
all i needed was a phone call, and the rest would come down from skate park.
watched kungfu panda.
crap lah. i purposely pick 2 seats for ulfred and weilin.
in the end yi zhen extra. go and take ulfred's seat.
HAHAHAHA. throughout the whole movie.
ulfred kept swapping drinks with weilin sia.
-.-' u so delighted to drink her saliva huh.
then headed back to skate park to meet the rest.
and headed over to raymond's house for mahjong.
the end.