yes lah. im here to blog again.
omg. -.- today's promoter's training.
a flip. no. more like 3 flips.
i arrived at valley point office tower at like. 2.15pm?
my dad drove me there.
then walked around. went to get a box of jellybeans.
swear. that place sibei wulu.
i didnt even know there was a building like that near Great World.
Great World~ brought back some memories.
and then.
went to stand like an idiot at the lift.
waited till 2.50pm. swear.
i nearly wanted to screw monica. though i've nvr seen her bfore.
then quickly changed my mind once i saw her.
LOL. im not mean -.-'. just stating the facts.
anyway. this dude started talking to me.
all of a sudden. after i put down the fone with monica.
he went like.
dude says: 'eh you oso waiting for monica?'
dongdong says: 'ya why.'
dude tries very hard to kick up a conversation.
after 3 minutes. i got bored of him.
and begun to pray for monica's timely arrival.
though. i swear. a bunch of secondary students made me nervous.
then there was the promoter training.
was ushered into a cool office.
with a funny dude.
ok lah. i think cause im engineer ._. (denies very hard)
i understood his jokes. shit.
there was one however. which i deciphered myself.
the shutter hole, the bigger, the more sensitive it is. and the more light will go in.
so i was like. ok.
the hole, the bigger it is. the more sensitive it is, so more things can go in.
that sounds so wrong. yet so right at the same time.
thank you shifu.
then. it was going home.
and omg.
surprising lah.
-.- kent ridge secondary school people.
the world is so small.
and they recognized me.
and they know who i am.
and. fuck. they're from dance.
and. fuck x 2. they know bout me and her.
but it was ok. at least i have some company at work.
then, we were gonna cab back to jurong.
and that dude from the start wanted to follow.
he kept asking me. 'eh got cigs?'
i swear. i wanted to punch him.
he is trying to tempt me i swear.
but in the end he didnt lah. cause the cab not enuff space.
hallelujah. amen. bless me. thank god.
then went to jurong east entertainment. for jap food.
yay. a dude. from krss. told me D11 was nice.
that fucker made me waste $7.
someone, fuck him deep deep please.
then. omg. i could actually click with them.
and they said i look 18. hurray.
though i swear. i thought one of them looks like tryphena.
but nooooo she denies.
her name's vanessa btw or was it. -.-'
though i never asked for their names.
i caught it while they're talking.
and the conversation revolved around yn, brenda, me for abit.
and their school life. and councilors.
-.- so seriously. prefects. stay far far from me.
and. they actually read my blog.
they already knew i was coming for an interview with monica.
sooooo i made my way home after that.
only when some dumb woman told me she wants to catch a movie.
and off we went to catch kungfu panda.
hilarious. the show. i swear.
yesterday was history,
tomorrow's a mystery,
that's why it is now.
that's why. its called present.
ccb make me run home. then run back jurong east again.
im hating u for this.
though u repaid me in full with a ticket.
still. im hating u for this.
and now im home.
after a long long day.
and tomorrow's skate camp.
and right after camp is work.
i miss her like crazy