-.- siannnnnn.
after being woken from some dumb series of dreams.
i swear. series of dreams.
since like. 3 days ago, every night. im having the same type of dreams.
different situations though.
went to school. for some dumb 1-3pm lesson.
and guess who i saw people.
wynne sia. -.- she looks so much skinnier.
even though that dumb girl is nice to talk to.
but. i swear she has an evil aura around her.
she'll make fun of u the slightest chance she have.
and currently, she is amused im still in poly.
i hate u lah wynne.
and she's in nursing. *bats eyelids innocently*
i think people are gonna die.
and she just said.
3,2,1! [b][u]Wynnee[/u][/b] is my name.(: says:
i have the passion to save ppl lives.
so people are indeed gonna die.
well. met up with baby today.
she is guai lan today. swear.
we cant help but tease each other most of the time.
then after that. i went home.
slept throughout the day.
its damn song lah. -.- for once.
i shall no longer be bothered.