Wednesday, November 12, 2008


yes. she just couldnt resist when she is in a grand toilet.
fullerton. =.=

though. she still looks adorable.

yes M.
u dont have to take 3 of the same pictures in the same pose.

now this is something u rarely get to see everyday.

the more 'usual' shots from her.

i love u. so stop pouting.

i used to wonder how it feels like to kiss with her.
the mystery is solved.

as for my petite cute little tongue.

she just started taking random photos.

this is how i look like when i go in for a kiss.
i think. HAHAHA.

i found this one sweet though.

muack. lub lub.

we now know the height difference.
though i did try. to bend down alittle.

picture of the day. (:

camwhoring at hong kong cafe.

♥M. says: take a picture for me!
♥P. says: . . . . .

obviously i was in a hurry to satisfy my hunger.

-.- yes i know what ur thinking.
so stop it.

no. stop thinking.

tada. the menu.

luncheon meat+egg meesua. she ordered.
-.-' frankly. i could whip this up.

♥M. says: order one enough already!
♥P. says: shhhh.
*waiter waits impatiently*
♥P. says: ignore her and gimme two. o.o

pork chop baked rice!
one word. yum.

special shrimp har gao.

i wanted the black sesame glutinous rice balls.
she prefered ginger soup.
and then complained it was hot.

signing off. (:

PS: all in all a good day.
we've shared alot. yes? (: