who says work cant be fun.
say hello to michele.
amanda says: wah lao. michele looks so innocent here.
*nods in agreement*

patrick says: look at all the bloody food.
patrick says: MINE. ALL MINE.

chicken mushroom pasta.
salmon 'n' mushroom pasta.
grilled chicken salad.
Caesar salad with breaded chicken.
what more could u ask for.

while waiting for the students to arrive.
note: the brown thingy on our noses is a plaster.
i was just toying with the first aid kit.
though. i wonder why do we even need a first aid kit.

kiss high high up into the sky.
michele just made work more fun.

and then. after work. (:

it really feels good.
to see her after a hard long day at work.
though i need to say.
that woman laughing in the background is not needed.
it feels like she's laughing at us.

i am sleepy.
yes i know.
i now have identical eyebags as hers.
please. forgive me. T.T

well. she said it was nice.
signing off. (:
PS: u made the day complete.