she was sniffing me. i swear.

yeap. its a nice photo.
thanks to michele. for the above. -.-
yay. my birthday chalet!
sorry i took so long to update my blog.
basically the pictures were not up yet.
so i had to wait. (looks at kexin and calvin).
thanks to the both of their cameras.
i get to keep my memories. (:
anyhow. it was fun.
and for those that turned up.
i thank yall loads.
especially xingyan, jasmine.
both of u came for only an hour odd.
yet u made the effort to come.
DSB & DSS. thanks for coming down too.
also the skate club. and the senja bunch. (:
and many thanks to alot of others.
with wishes and blessing at 12am.
people like. brenda ng, jeraldine wee, amelia, xingyan, peiyi, raymond, kimguan, kenny, amanda, kexin, yanzhi, janice, junxiong, sheryl, wynne, jasmine, meiyi.
oh yeah. before i forget. here is a conversation between me and rudy.
*rudy continues sleeping*
*patrick jumps on top of rudy*
*rudy pushes patrick away, nearly making me fall*
rudy says: that would be funny.
now less words more pictures!
patrick says: opps?

patrick says: no. i wasnt crying.
because my mother took out the cake from the fridge infront of me.
and said, eh faster light the candles and eat it up.
HAHAHAHAHA. thats my family. and where my character came from.

yes. i was staring. i forgot at who.

i was talking u asshole.
u werent supposed to take a shot of it.

the two birthday boys. (:
same day, same month, same year.

the universal handsign.
though u have to say. i was blinded by the flash.

thats my beloved family.
i hate my brother for never smiling.

8 years of friendship.
still counting.

incase u cannot tell.
we were making a wish.
jesus blessing style.

yes. somehow i look like a pig.
especially. the snout.
i was flaring my nosrils at michele.

they said joe's hand was 24/7 behind my head.
and in this picture. there was this thought in my head.
im gonna kill him tomorrow.

i have to admit though. im the luckier one.

rudy, kexin and jiayi.
we all bought one or two of those shirt.
just because it has a 'skate' word on it.

the best of friends! ace&yongwei was missing.

jesus christ vs lucifer.
the higher morale team.
kexin was yelling: EH THEIR MORALE SO HIGH.
kexin: patrick we lose already LAH!

i wonder why they have higher morale.
*points at the naked one*

the dying team.
note: one scratching the head, the other the nose.

let me do a starfish dance to raise the morale. =/
AND THE CHARADE BEGINS!(thanks to andy)
rudy says: do you want to eat?

rudy says: when my pubic hair was on the bed.
rudy says: amanda picked it up and did this.
*rubs thumb and index finger together*

rudy says: i love boobies.
rudy says: so when i see them.
rudy says: i do this. *gropping hands*

kexin says: siao liao. my turn.
kexin says: my actions damn retarded one leh.

incase u didnt know. she was spanking her ass.
(i think).

when she laughs. its hysterical.
and when she is 'shuai dao' by other males.
she kiu gun(s).(in other words. cramp)
HAHAHAHAHA. forgive the plural S.
because it depends if the electric shock is huge.

kexin says: i am silly. yes. sometimes i do~

take a look at the picture above to know why she's silly.

emma's turn. XD
the traitorous elephant.

emma says: i swear. patrick penis IS THIS LARGE.
j/k =/ forgive the pornographic language.
but i had no idea what she was trying to do.

emma says: YES PATRICK! THERE!

emma says: i like guys with bo balance.

emma says: really lah~ i really like guys with bo balance!
*sha jiao*

yes this is one retarded photo.
and emma was just kidding about my size.
it is ACTUALLY this BIG.
actually. -.-' i remember this picture.
i was doing a charade of g***** bush.
i was trying to amplify my armpit hair.

i remember one of the cards said: doggy style.
i did it without the slightest hesitation.

when u cant shuffle. do it in photography.
ps: the running man.

i forgot who i was trying to slap.

dumbbells was the answer people.

ace says: call me. im here.
so just call me! 1800-12629. (figure out the 12629).

where the fuck did the other pair of hands pop out from -.-.

ace says: and this, my dear friends.
ace says: is my orgasm face.

ace says: and this is my reaction when a plump prostitute walks by.

ace says: and this is what i get, after i call the plump prostitute, 'fat'.
ba lu ku ftw!

joe says: weilin, do u want to eat?

weilin asks: eat what?
joe says: hamburger!

joe says: laughs.

joe is strumming a guitar btw.

if telepathy wasnt invented.
lets start now.

this is how andy looks when he is having sex with a girl taller than him.

and this is what he does after sex.
chokehold the girl.

somehow. this photo is just a classic.

to admit. he is rather good at charades.
i don't know whether its because of the lights or his skin color.
forgive me dude.

psyduck is up next.

sheryl says: joe. ur actions for telepathy is so wrong!

sheryl says: if u wanna do telepathy like psyduck!
sheryl says: first u need 2 big antennas.

sheryl says: and tune the frequency.

sheryl says: and do a fugly dance.

sheryl says: and your all set to go.

another do u wanna eat dude. -.-

btw. jiayi was portraying a goldfish.
in the future, u dont need those hand gestures.
just open and close ur mouth repeatedly with dead eyes.

jiayi's version of kexin's kiu gun reaction.

this is how i look when i pcc.

it started with an erection of this size.

into this.

approximately 3 inches in width.

hogan happily announces. mine's 2 inches!

thats right man!

but this length. *shows*

and this shape.

lloyd the man!

yw says: yes patrick. even though its ur birthday.
yw says: i'm still the man.

yw says: yes. its because my head is bigger, and hair is cuter than urs.

yw says: lets see.

i really have no idea what he was portraying.

he keeps having broken wrist.

he does look cute in this.
and now, we all know where emma brushes her teeth.
and how she looks like.
PS: are u anyhow related to andy by blood?
because there is a white spot on ur head.
thanks to eric.
the shades.
i like it though.
it looks funny on my horny baby face.

the presents from yanzhi and amanda.

truth be told.
i dont think this is going anywhere near my friends.

and i truely thought this was a lollipop at first.
i mean. the first glance.
anyhow heres what happened.
*shows my mother*
patrick says: ma, see what they buy me.
patrick yells: CONDOM LEH!
my mother says: need to wear one meh?
3 cheers to the chiang family.

GOBSTOPPER from amanda. (:

and now. the most meaningful gift i've received on my birthday.
from kexin, yongwei, feifei, joe and andy.

done by kexin.
a really touching card.
with loads of effort.
and a nice letter behind.

yes. thank you my evil twin.
lets be sworns!
i'll continue to 'teng' u this sister one lah.
dun worry.

the cardboard photo thingy.
nice. really.

there are alot of missing photos of great friends.
remember guys. watching friends in arguement saddens me. (:
PS: in the end, she wasnt here till the very end.