Sunday, June 15, 2008


yay. spent my night at calvin's house.
we actually drank remy martini xo.
which he kept for a long long time.
and we finished the bottle. wee. the two of us.
we talked about alot of things.
stuff like temple. girlfriends. loads and loads more.
HAHAHAHA. calvin's first time give me already.
we made neat shots for one another(shh actually i insisted).
we took half a cup in a gulp. then -.-' calvin pui. then vomit. LOL
really his first time. he said. to vomit cause of alcohol.
then went over to mac's to have supper. -.-' i swear
calvin was high alr. he kept laughing for no reason.
i laughed with him cause of his dumb facial expression.
but it was fun lah fun XD and he said the next time i come he'll open Gordon Bleu.
yay. free alcohol. XD im not complaining.
i didnt really get drunk lah -.-' not enough for me to get drunk.
but we had alot of heart to heart talks though.
about the girls. sigh.
though overall~ it was still a good night.
then we went up. -.-' swear. calvin was still laughing for no apparent reason.
damn cute lah. -.- weilin. ur brother can be so cute when his high.
i was reading a book about a girl with a sad childhood.
-.- i nearly cried sia. wtf. think must be the alcohol lah.
and i was partially tired. the same things kept running over and over my mind.
note: i keep getting puzzled. as to where i am standing.
so woke up. -.- weilin woke me up.
she friggin stuck her head around the door.
and i was half naked. nooooooo. but ok lah i was hugging a pillow.
-.-' so nothing much was exposed.
then calvin bought breakfast home.
meepok. wee. calvin's sooooo sweet~ lub lub.
then now here i am. blogging on weilin's laptop.
-.- cause calvin's using his to play maplestory.
HAHAHAHA. calvin plays maplestory. NOTE!
hint hint.
i love her. though she would not see it.
i dont want this to end.
because this feeling is so damn hard to come by.
i still do think this way. and it didnt change.
nor will this love. the memories go anywhere far from me.
here i am. still trying to pull us closer.
by the tiny red string.
and i did another card counting the other night.
this time. as usual. it led to the same conclusion.
she was just beside me.
yet. why then. does it seem so hard?
and still. im not giving up.
hope seems dim though.
she's booked. and im trying as hard as i can.
to keep myself busy. so that the pain would not be that great.
i miss her. terribly. i love her. alot.
yet. again. nothing much matters.
if i cant hug her. if i cant hold her.
then there would be no point.
i might not be the same as i was.
because i know. i might not have long.