Saturday, June 14, 2008

its pointless alr.

yay. im heading over to weilin's later.
and weilin. thanks for listening yes?
for staying up with me late into the night.
i felt like hell last night. cause i saw it coming.
yet i couldnt do anything about it.
while staring at the phone. and waiting for a reply.
so might as well do stuff to keep my mind off things.
maybe i might get to ambush weilin when she's on the way home.
fuck lah that girl is just funny.
weilin says: eh. why the mcspicy cabbage anyhow one. they in a hurry huh?
dongdong says: -.-' u do know why macdonald's is called fastfood yes?
then we went on and on about people who eats fries+burgers together are stupid.
HAHAHAHA. i dno why lah. damn high alr at that time.
cause the rest of us ate fries first. then burger.
she 1/2 1/2. then we all started saying she abnormal.
then we started cracking racist jokes.
-.-' really fugging racist. and i dont plan to post them here.
though i have to say. ulfred was defending weilin.
cause. her skin color really DOES look indian.
that day at macdonalds, felt like the day at Thai restaurant in Suntec.
ive turned so much darker i swear.
after the day at skates relay.
yes lah yes. pandas got 1st in the 3 relays.
-.-v and i was one of the skaters. proud lah proud.
HAHAHAHA. after 9 months of not touching my skates.
then she started saying she last time how fat.
then i showed her my IC.
-.- dongdong wins. ding ding ding!
then the rest would start going.
omfg. is that you!?
-.- i guess i must look really fugly in the past.
though i dont see much difference now.
i miss the camp. like seriously miss the company.
anyways there will be an urban coming tuesday.
so i'll be seeing them again. so its alright~
and i get to drown my sorrows tonight.
who cares bout the health -.-'
lets just be happy for tonight.
awwww. ulfred. we all know u wish to join me at weilin's house.
too bad lah too bad. HAHAHAHA.
u had ur share of fun ok. u slept beside her on the 2nd night.
im looking forward to celebrating ur bdae, beanie.
i miss you alr =/ though u kept sharing with me ur problems.
i couldnt do anything to help. sigh.
im so sorryyyyyyy. i failed as a bludder lah swear.
budden. im always here for you yes?
i'll try to be. as long as i can. u and i. both know why.
dont feel upset yes? if duckie bully u must tell me k. =x
i do have some contacts in SP *starts blinking eyes furiously*
sooo. duckie ah. dun anyhow ah.
i wish the rest of the world's couples. all the best.
because. i cannot have my best.
and slowly. im dying inside. im tired. and dying.