Sunday, June 29, 2008


im dying. literally.
tmd. my throat hurts. whenever i swallow saliva.
the headache's gone. but i just figured theres some phelgm in my nose.
i cant breathe properly. neither can i sneeze the shit out.
so basically, im a talking dead.
funny thing is. this morning i still went to the pool.
-.- and the weird thing is. i felt better after tanning for awhile.
my throat cleared. my nose was 'unstuck' (if theres such a word.)
thanks for showing concern, people.
you know who you are. XD
btw. ive totally lost my heart in the 'friends' i have made.
alot of things have happened last night.
and basically. they're the reason for it.
and most probably. the reason im down with sickness.