the day began. with loads of love.
well. more like a silly thought on my side.
at 12.15am. i was on the bus to clementi.
i had rushed to macdonald's. then to westmall's.
just to get her a little of something.
the opera diva which she wasnt able to have. cause i was unwell.
and three blue roses. from the mall.
and at 11am. sharp ok sharp. i reached there at 11am.
i had my best-est breakfast. woot. im amused.(amazed actually)
please tell me she is amazing.
cause i found her so. hahahaha.
i think she's hinting for me to go on a diet.
look at the amount of breakfast. -.- hmm.
though i had to constantly pinch myself to make sure i wasnt dreaming.
however, she said im the only one to ever taste her breakfast.
yay. im honored. really. *bats eyelids*
and i know what u wanna say sayang.
but. my reply will be. nooooo i never!
and after the lovely breakfast.

yes lah. the singapore zoo.
please. tell me im amazing.
it consisted of alot of things i dislike.
the smell, the sun, the shit. stuff that starts with an S.
i wouldnt go to the zoo ever. even if someone forced a knife to my throat.
amazing lah. what this girl can make me do. though i was the one who suggested it.
i wanted it to be something special at least. >=D
yes people. thats the zoo map.
she wiped her sweat on her arms with it.
lovely glam gf. HAHAHAHA.
though i swear i didnt mind. her sticky or not.
no wonder she wasnt sticky one bit.
i swear. the map was a foggy piece by the end of the day.

yes lah people. the 6 pac turtle.
brenda says: 'omg see got 6 pac! *hint hint*'
dongdong says: 'thats the friggin shell lah.'
brenda says: 'nooooo. 6 pac!'
dongdong says: '. . . . . .'
*it goes on and on and on*
HAHAHAHA. she said it looks dead though.
the uber big tortoise.
fark la. its the biggest i ever seen. i thought it was a statue.
until she tugged my shirt and point.
it weighs 300+ kg btw.

the very cute otters. omg.
they travelled in packs of 5 though.
and there was this mother otter dragging her kids.
into the pool. -.- like suffocating it.
the funny looking bird. (note: its half aslp)
i swear. it looks like me when i daze in class.

muahaha! us!
i swear. i got to stop making those kinda faces when i take pictures.

i swear she looks pretty here.
no people. its not cause she covered her face.
its her hair lah her hair.
and she looks kinda secretive here.
yes lah people once again. its pizza.
remember dynamite?! this is the cousin.
the pizza tok gong-ly hard. really. i nearly broke my teeth.
and guess what. once again. sayang picked what to eat.
and guess what! kfc was beginning to seem friendly. like very.
so the day ended beautifully. i swear.
i enjoyed myself. i hope she has.
though it was nothing special.
but no matter where. or what. she never fails to bring a smile.